SKU: SH217404

MUSIC CARE CONVERSATION CARDS provide an opportunity to engage with one another using musical associations with the intent of supporting relational care. Because music is cross-coded into the events of our lives it becomes an important part of our narrative. Talking about music may reconnect us to the people, places, events and feelings in our lives.  Through pictures, questions, and listening to songs together, conversation cards help to create and share memories, ideas, feelings and stories.

MUSIC CARE CONVERSATION CARDS are a collection of pictures and questions that catalyze memories and conversations about music in our lives. 25 themed laminated cards are spiral bound in a flexible book. Each theme card has two facing sides. A picture is on the right side which represents a theme. The picture may be used by itself as a prompt for engagement.  The left side has questions that provide conversation starters. Some of the questions are open-ended discussion ideas, and others are more structured. The theme of the card is highlighted at the top; a musical activity pertaining to the theme is provided; a music care tip is given at the bottom. Themes are suitable for sharing with children.


  • To prompt conversation and build social-emotional skills in a classroom setting
  • To use in a peer support group to guide the content of each session
  • To guide a meaningful children’s event
  • To use as warm-up activities in children’s programming
  • To support care of children who are enrolled in residential healthcare programs