
I like this program. It’s entertaining. It’s good for the mind. For the brain.

Edith, LTC resident

My husband is in late-stage Alzheimer's demenitia. He enjoys the pictures and music and occasionally makes accompanying sounds. The music and pictures take his mind off his anxiety and he is better able to eat and enjoy his meals.

Sandra, Family Caregiver

Matthew was a happy little boy, until the colic hit, and then there was little to console him. Except your music! As soon as I put on the Room 217 music he would calm down. A big relief for a tired (and stressed) mom!

Karen, Mother

Room 217 is very profound music that I have seen firsthand gently and respectfully touch the farthest corners of people’s hearts and minds.

Catherine, Nurse

After snack time is over, before everybody goes to sleep, I like to put on Recollections. It creates a calming atmosphere and helps to distract the residents. It unites them in a way.

Penny, LTC Nurse

They want to do Pathways again and again and that is welcome news for an activity aide. The connections have been amazing – between residents themselves and between staff – lots of meaningful moments and connective points.

Vicki, Activity Aide


Soothing and gentle comprehensive singing program, enhancing the quality of life for people living with dementia.

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